In the Dark, Episode 3: My Brief Thoughts

I was told recently that one of my favorite supporters enjoys reading about what I think of the show In the Dark. Thanks, Rebecca. Everyone check out her wonderful writing. She can be found on Twitter at

Give her a follow. Check out her website below.

I really enjoy her weekly devotionals and pray we cross paths one day. Before I get into my brief thoughts about the show this week, I’d like to extend my most important thank you. If you are Christian like me, I’m sure you are joining me on this Good Friday (and other days too) and saying thank you, Jesus for making the ultimate sacrifice and dying on the cross for us. Jesus was on the earth with people like you and me but also paid for our sins. If you don’t consider yourself a Christian, I hope you’ll find something to be thankful for. A good book, a good friend, something.


I don’t have much to say about this week’s episode, but the first thing I’ll say is I’m not sure I’m actually a huge Murphy fan. I’ll keep watching to see what happens to her character, but I’m not a fan of her manipulative behavior. In this recent episode, she was supposed to take part in a high school assembly but ends up hiding with these girls smoking pot instead. Murphy’s goal was to find her friends girlfriend to see if she could help give her clues about what happened to him since she believes he was killed. Murphy only agreed to raise awareness for her parent’s guide dog school so she could have an excuse to visit the high school. I mean, if you really need to see this girl, at least do both. Find a balance between the assembly and talking to her for information. The girl wasn’t at school that day, so she went and hid herself in a bathroom with the girls friends.


I will say again that for the most part I really believe this show is doing a great job at educating people who watch the show about blindness. I’ve talked about how I like how Chloe, the younger girl who is also blind, has Murphy to relate to as an older woman who is blind. In the show they talk about how Chloe ends up getting the time of the month. I will say, I thought it was crazy how she said she wished girls made fun of her rather than being nice about her bleeding through clothes. What? I’d rather people be nice. You could tell her dad was feeling awkward, but she tells him to call Murphy. She comes to their house and they show them handling the situation in a lighthearted way. That’s great, but since the show has done so well educating people so far, I was a little surprised they didn’t have a moment of Murphy telling Chloe how to handle the time of the month as a woman who can’t see. I know it’s only a TV show, but like I’ve said, I was a little surprised since they’ve done so well with other blindness points. I mean, it’s a personal thing, but hey, all women eventually experience it.


Lastly, I wanted to talk about Murphy and Max, her eventual boyfriend. I liked how he showed her how to play pool, but I don’t know what to make of him yet. Again, I’ll keep watching the show to see how his character ends up turning out. I don’t like the friends he hangs out with. I suggest people give this show a chance.


Have you watched In the Dark yet? Is there anything I should be blogging about? Please reach out. You can find me on Twitter at mirandaloakley, on Facebook at Miranda Oakley or you can leave a comment on my website. I’d love to hear from you. Is there anything you are thankful for? Let me know!


Miranda ❤

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